Subdivision Review Committee and Zoning Administrator (SRC ZA) Meetings
Subscribe to the SRC ZA Meetings
Submit Public Comment
Send a public comment to Include meeting date, agenda item number, or off-agenda item. Contact information is optional.
Mail a public comment to the Clerk's office at 700 H Street, Suite 2450, Sacramento, CA 95814. Include meeting date, agenda item number, or off-agenda item. Contact information is optional.
Agenda & Material
The online version of the agenda and associated material is available below. Some documents may not be posted online because of size or format limitations. Contact the Clerk's Office at (916) 874-5411 or at for arrangements to obtain copies of documents.
Accommodation Request
Requests for accommodations pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) should be made with the Clerk's Office by telephone at (916) 874-5411 (voice) and CA Relay Services 711 (for the hearing impaired) or email at prior to the meeting.
For general information, please visit the Planning & Environmental Review web page.